Shaking hands at the ATIA Convention

About ATIA

With the ongoing support of ATIA members and partners, the Alaska Travel Industry Association is the leading nonprofit trade organization for the state’s tourism industry. We are committed to ensuring the continued success, quality, and integrity of the travel industry in Alaska.

Our Mission:

The Alaska Travel Industry Association (ATIA) will be the leading industry organization promoting Alaska as a top visitor destination, communicating and promoting the Alaskan tourism industry as one of the state’s major economic forces, and will be the respected voice of the industry for the growth of the industry, while remaining stewards of the state’s natural resources, cultures, and Alaska’s unique quality of life.

Purpose: Advocate. Promote. Inspire.
Core Values: Community. Leadership. Integrity. Positive Force. Resilient. Respectful. Stewardship.
Principle: Every member’s voice is heard.

Read our Vision and Guiding Principles

About ATIA

About Us

Learn about who we are, including ATIA Staff, Board of Directors, and Committees

Our Work

Learn about what we do, from public policy to government relations

Get Involved

Explore ways to get involved with ATIA, including becoming a member, joining a chapter, & more

ATIA Foundation

Assisting Alaskans to further their education in the travel industry.

ATIA is:


Our emphasis is on people: Our members, partners, contractors, visitors are all part of our community of stakeholders. Positive interactions and relationships are our priority.


Do the right thing, even if no one is watching you. The ATIA team keeps its promises and does nothing to dishonor Alaska’s tourism industry. This means not blaming someone for a mistake and keeping our promises even if it takes extra effort.


As the leading association for Alaska’s tourism industry, we strive to be open, honest, innovative, creative, and courageous in our relationships and our industry efforts.


We care deeply about Alaska and travel in Alaska. We are committed to growing the industry and promoting Alaska as the destination of choice.



Our team maintains a high ethical standard, demonstrating excellence in customer care, abiding by best practices and highest industry standards, and mentoring others to reach their highest potential.

Contact Us

We'd like to hear from you! Connect with us via phone or email.
