ATIA Members Networking

Member Benefits

The Alaska Travel Industry Association is the leading statewide nonprofit membership association for Alaska’s tourism industry. Together, our member voices promote Alaska tourism as a major economic force, providing jobs, growing industry, and benefitting communities.

By joining ATIA, all members receive these core benefits:

  • The opportunity to serve on a member-elected Board of Directors and member voting privileges. Members may also participate on one of ATIA’s committees focused on membership, tourism policy and planning, marketing, and government relations.
  • One FREE standard profile ad and $100 off featured profile ads on
  • A voice on issues impacting your business and community, ranging from public land funding and access to growth of tourism products to investment in tourism marketing.
  • Access to ATIA’s member-only Annual Convention & Trade Show. ATIA’s annual convention brings together hundreds of participants and advocates for Alaska’s tourism industry.
  • Access to healthcare through the Small Association Leadership Alliance (SALA) healthcare program.
  • Hands-on sales consultation about co-operative marketing opportunities available through the Travel Alaska Tourism Marketing Program. This one-on-one assistance can help you make the most of your marketing dollars.
  • 20% discount on Adventure Green Alaska certification application fees.
  • Free e-newsletters, bringing member topics and industry trends right to your screen, no matter where you are working or traveling.
  • Access to the ATIA Member Directory and web link with your online membership directory listing, a way to connect your business with another member businesses.
  • Free and unlimited job postings on the Alaska Tourism Job Board.
  • Memberships in local chapters, offering you additional networking opportunities with your peers.
  • Belonging to the largest trade association for the Alaska tourism industry and a member of a group following Guiding Principles, representing the high level of integrity of ATIA members.
  • Member-only access to a web-based E-Learning Program. The online program is self-paced and provides individual presentations on tourism training topics identified by members as important.
  • Access to the Family Assistance Foundation network which can mobilize and provide support during a crisis.
  • Business to business discounts with suppliers such as Office Depot/Office Max, The Alaska Club, and GCI.

Membership Benefits

Become a Member

Becoming a member of ATIA opens opportunities to benefit and grow your business or organization and strengthens the industry as a whole. Tourism is a top economic force for Alaska and by joining the broad-based membership of ATIA, you help ensure our industry continues to generate jobs and revenue while providing a thriving future for Alaska.