AlaskaHost Customer Service Training Program

AlaskaHost Trainer's Manual CoverThe AlaskaHost Program is a statewide customer service training program designed for employees of the hospitality and visitor services industry. This half-day program trains participants on how to provide quality customer service for residents and visitors to Alaska, providing a foundation of communication and problem solving skills for all service-oriented businesses. 

AlaskaHost Skill Objectives

  • Differentiate between excellent and unacceptable customer service
  • Understand the importance of quality customer service
  • Recognize and anticipate customer needs and expectations
  • Understand and communicate the economic value of Alaska's visitor industry
  • Learn how to work with dissatisfied customers in a professional and helpful manner

How it Works

  • Businesses and organizations interested in participating in the program can reach out to ATIA staff 
  • ATIA staff will connect you with a Certified Trainer who will work with you on selecting a time/location.
  • AlaskaHost Certified Trainers will lead the training for you and your team. Trainings are in-person and typically last about 4 hours. The Trainer will guide participants through their Participant Workbooks using presentations, workbook activities, and discussion. 
  • Upon completion of the program, participants receive a course certificate featuring the artwork of Alaska artist Rie Muñoz, and job seekers can add AlaskaHost credentials to their resumes.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact ATIA Membership Director Tay Clayton for information on how to schedule your training. 

Page from the AlaskaHost Workbook
Page from the AlaskaHost Participant Workbook

Interested in Becoming a Trainer?

Individuals interested in becoming an AlaskaHost Certified Trainer can reach out to Tay Clayton for more information. Certified Trainers will go through a Train the Trainers course and be provided with the AlaskaHost Program materials, including Participant Workbook, Trainer's Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, and Participant Certificates of Completion. Trainers will be added to our Certified Trainer list that will be used to connect Trainers with Participants based on location and availability. 


Become a Member

Becoming a member of ATIA opens opportunities to benefit and grow your business or organization and strengthens the industry as a whole. Tourism is a top economic force for Alaska and by joining the broad-based membership of ATIA, you help ensure our industry continues to generate jobs and revenue while providing a thriving future for Alaska.